Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Paisley Print Scrapbook Papers

I made a few more papers today.  This time, same print just different background colors to be more of a pack.  I will spare you the mass of the papers, there are 20 colors in this pack right now, but you can go HERE and download them separately or all of them.  If you have a color you are looking for and happen to know the color coordinate numbers for it, please feel free to contact me and I can make it for you. Here is an example as to what this pack looks like.

dark grey paisleylime green paisley

Pale Pink PaisleyWhite Paisley


  1. Very nice papers I am going to use them some day. Thank you for sharing them with us

  2. Thank you, you are saving us so much money for sosmething we really love to do, Make memories for our children and grandchildren.
    God Bless
